Bringing Client and Candidate Together

Trust is a very important word, to which we base our business strategy upon. There are many agencies in the industry
today that promise the earth, and fail to deliver. Our consultants at VALIA Recruitment Solutions Limited have built
up a thorough understanding of the many technical markets across numerous industry sectors. Many of our clients
have a long-term working relationship with our consultants, which have been established on trust.


  • Clients and assignments are carefully selected, in order to ascertain the skills required to find the most
    suitable appointment for you.
  • A thorough qualification of your Career aspirations is undertaken, so that we can be sure to
    search for the best opportunity.
  • Your details are never disclosed to any of our clients without your prior consent.
  • Throughout the interview process, we stay in constant communication with both you and the client.
    This keeps us aware of any situations which may occur and have an effect on your application.
  • We will provide you with guidance on what are the best opportunities for you rather than what is best for us.
    A practice that is all too evident in the recruitment industry today.
  • We will help you to make decisions based on many years of our experience. We never forget that it is
    you that has to work for the client, and not us.
  • We keep an active stance against our competition, who will often try any tactic to push
    their candidates forward.
  • We can advise you on how to tender your resignation. This can be an extremely traumatic time,
    especially if this is your first time.

Here at VALIA Recruitment Solutions Limited we value all of our candidates and it is important that we
establish a good working rapport with you. It is essential to us that we locate the best career opportunity
for our candidates in order to help VALIA Recruitment Solutions Limited grow.

As a result, our clients and candidates are now sharing in our success - NOW IT'S YOUR TURN .
The only way we can reassure you that VALIA Recruitment Solutions Limited are different,
is by allowing us to prove ourselves to you.

Call today on 0800 731 1115
Call today on 0800 731 1115

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